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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'God Of War (PlayStation Soundtrack)' gave the following results:

1884 matches in tracks
  1. The Spy Comes In (02:40)
    from Spy Who Came In From The Cold, The
    Original 1965 Soundtrack Total Time: 33:42Original FILM Soundtrack
  2. Oysters And Snails / Festival (Album Version) * (03:24)
    from Spartacus
    * = cues from the original Decca soundtrack albumCD 1 (Stereo - 72:40) - All surviving stereo tracks of Alex North's SPARTACUS recording, including all tracks from the original soundtrack album, assembled in film order.
  3. Là-bas (00:00)
    from Tintin Et Le Mystère De La Toison D'Or
    (not from soundtrack)
  4. soundtrack CD (00:00)
    from Ching Se
  5. Et qu'ça dure (00:00)
    from Toi, Le Venin
    (not from soundtrack)
  6. Si je chante (00:00)
    from Cherchez L'Idole
    (not from soundtrack!)
  7. Axe Throws (00:11)
    from Kill Bill: Vol. 1
  8. Dr Who (00:00)
    from No. 1 Sci-Fi Album, The
    original soundtrack
  9. Airwolf Soundtrack (02:55)
    from Airwolf
  10. Instrumental (03:01)
    from Vacation
  11. The Snowman Soundtrack (15:30)
    from Snowman, The
  12. Ed's Carlot (00:27)
    from Vacation
  13. Soundtrack Release (03:40)
    from Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
  14. Music Soundtrack (00:00)
    from Biggles: Adventures In Time
  15. The Gourmet (00:51)
    from Vacation
  16. The Kids (00:44)
    from Vacation
  17. The Bartender (01:01)
    from Vacation
  18. Don´t You Swim (00:43)
    from Vacation
  19. Jump Up (02:08)
    from Incredible World Of James Bond, The
    from: Dr. No soundtrack
  20. Your Feet (00:24)
    from Vacation
Show all 1884 matching tracks